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Entry Requirements To Study In UK

The qualifications required for UK universities vary depending on the type of program you choose, the academic level, and the university you are applying. Major intakes for the UK universities are in September and January. But, some universities in the UK provide May intake for a few courses.


For most academic programs in the UK, international students need to apply for a Tier 4 Visa. Here are the essential documents the student should possess while applying for a visa to study in the UK.

  1. CAS reference number – Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies.
  2. Documents used for obtaining the CAS .
  3. A valid passport in original
  4. Visa Fee
  5. Original educational documents
  6. Documents showing English language proficiency like IELTS, PET (IELTS waiver for eligible students)
  7. Bank statement showing funds to support the payment of their course and living expense
  8. Tuberculosis certificate.

*Depending upon the university, the student may ask to produce additional documents.

Graduate Immigration Route

The UK Government has announced the new Graduate Immigration Route for international students which will be launched in summer 2021. The new route will enable international students to apply for a visa to remain in the UK for two years after their studies This will be applicable for those who have successfully graduated with an undergraduate or master’s degree. Ph.D. graduates will be allowed to stay for three years.

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